Case Study

Did you know? Average life spans of mechanicals are an interesting factoid!

Water Heaters: 8-12 years. OOPS, mine is 17 years old!

Here are 6 signs that you need a new water heater.

  1. Water pooling around the water heater base.
  2. Rusty water in the sink.
  3. Water has a metallic smell and taste.
  4. Cold or tepid water that doesn’t get hot.
  5. Older than 15 years.
  6. Frequest Repairs.


Furnaces: 15-20 years. Yeah, ours is 2 years old!

Here are 6 signs that you might need a new furnace.

  1. Your furnace is between 15-30 years old
  2. Furnace is producing loud noices during standard operation
  3. High energy bills and furnace repair costs
  4. Temperature fluctuations throughout the home
  5. Heating repair and installation services
  6. Soot is collecting near the furnace register
