Case Study

The BEST house is worth the wait! Some dear friends invited me to be a part of their home journey quite a few years ago. They had the cutest little blue house that made them so happy but were looking for the next home that had a fun big kitchen and dining space and a swimming pool, too! Now that’s a tall order, especially on the east side of Lake Nokomis. Looking in the city, outside the city…. not really finding “it”! THEN ZOWWWEEE, there she was…. the Unicorn just a few blocks away from the little blue house. A feverish Friday pulling all the pieces together to win the big ball game that everyone wanted to play. We did it! We hit the home run! It helps to have AMAZING clients who told their love story to the seller and who hung in there to make the BEST decision ever. It sometimes takes some time but will happen! So so honored to be a part of their journey and their poolside visitor and forever friend!