
Go Local

We love being a source of vendor inventory for you. If you need a recommendation, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Spring is coming and the market is waking up! If you are planning on making a move this year or maybe just some deep Spring Cleaning, here are a couple companies that can help you!

We Müv You

Christine Hoehl, 763-688-2066

“A Woman Founded Moving Company -Driven by solving problems and creating solutions during a family or business transition.”

Vacate the Estate

Denise Zerr, 763-227-6829

Customizable Estate Clearing and Cleaning

The Last 30 Days

Recently closed properties:

  • 4025 Fordham Drive NE in Saint Anthony for $499,900
  • 11229 Xavier Circle in Bloomington for $274,900
  • 5311 Beachside Dr in Minnetonka for $277,000

Case Study

Did you know? Average life spans of mechanicals are an interesting factoid!

Water Heaters: 8-12 years. OOPS, mine is 17 years old!

Here are 6 signs that you need a new water heater.

  1. Water pooling around the water heater base.
  2. Rusty water in the sink.
  3. Water has a metallic smell and taste.
  4. Cold or tepid water that doesn’t get hot.
  5. Older than 15 years.
  6. Frequest Repairs.


Furnaces: 15-20 years. Yeah, ours is 2 years old!

Here are 6 signs that you might need a new furnace.

  1. Your furnace is between 15-30 years old
  2. Furnace is producing loud noices during standard operation
  3. High energy bills and furnace repair costs
  4. Temperature fluctuations throughout the home
  5. Heating repair and installation services
  6. Soot is collecting near the furnace register


Case Study

A homeowner had a new neighbor move in behind them. The new neighbor opted to build a treehouse in their back yard for their three boys. How fun! The tree house was 18 feet at the peak with a deck, siding and windows. How cool!

The only issue……they didn’t pull a permit and were 5 feet from the property line on two sides in the corner. The structure stayed there for about 8 years and then….they decided to sell their home. On their disclosure it asks “was there any work performed on the property where appropriate permits were not pulled?”. They answered incorrectly, NO. Well, long story short, the city finds out about this and made them tear down their big beautiful tree house. Lesson learned……pull required permits.

Go Local

We love being a source of vendor inventory for you. If you need a recommendation, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Love animals and looking for a way to give back? Love animals, but can’t adopt or foster? We have some great local options for you!

Healing Hearts Rescue

They also do Puppy Parties! Learn more here.

The Bond Between (formerly Secondhand Hounds)

You can help support by donating, fostering, volunteering,
or sharing The Bond Between.

The Last 30 Days

Recently closed properties:

  • 9805 Dorset Lane in Eden Prairie for $275,000
  • 1209 29th Ave NE in Minneapolis for $425,000
  • 4634 Kingsdale Dr in Bloomington for $470,000
  • 6946 Langford Drive in Edina for $255,000
  • 10506 Decatur Ave S in Bloomington for $230,000

My Very Own Bed

“At My Very Own Bed, we deliver on a promise to give children their very own bed—a place to sleep, dream, and recharge. All too often, children transitioning to permanent housing are sleeping on the floor, an air mattress, or sharing a bed with their parents or a sibling. By providing new beds and Dream Kits, we’re giving children a space of their own while supporting productive sleep to help them learn and grow.”

In November our office held a silent auction with proceeds going towards My Very Own Bed. It was very successful! This event was the first time we’d heard of this amazing organization.

If you’re looking for a way to improve the lives of others, this organization is a great way to start!